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  • ZHANG Jie, LI Ling-ling, ZHAN Yu, et al
    Current Immunology. 2017, 37(5): 353-359.
    The preparation of blocking or antagonistic antibodies to CD40 can not only be used to detect the expression of CD40, but also to the treatment of inflammatory diseases or tumor immunotherapy. By using a recombinant CD40 protein, we generated fourteen hybridoma cell lines to produce CD40 antibodies. All the CD40 monoclonal antibodies could be used to detect the CD40 expression via western blotting, nine of which can also be used for FACS and one CD40 monoclonal antibody can block the CD40-CD40L interaction. Importantly, we got eight clones that produced agonistic antibodies to human CD40, while ten of the clones could activate the CD40 downstream gene expression of mouse splenocytes and seven of the clones could upregulate the expression of CD86 on mice B cells. Therefore, the CD40 monoclonal antibodies we generated can be used to test the expression of CD40, and to block or activate the CD40 signal.
  • Current Immunology. 2017, 37(3): 247-252.
    糖基化修饰对单克隆抗体的结构、功能及药代动力学会产生影响。不同糖型结构通过与FcRs、Clq以及新生Fc受体(neonatal Fc receptor, FcRn)的结合而分别调节抗体依赖的细胞介导的细胞毒作用(antibody-dependent cytotoxicity, ADCC)、补体依赖的细胞毒作用(complement-dependent cytotoxicity, CDC)以及FcRn介导的药物消除半衰期。不同的细胞表达系统和细胞培养条件均会对糖基化的类型及程度产生影响,进而影响治疗性抗体的疗效以及安全性。通过糖基化工程可以控制特定糖型的形成,进一步优化单克隆抗体的效应功能和降低免疫原性。本文就单克隆抗体糖基化修饰研究进展进行综述。
  • Current Immunology. 2018, 38(2): 152-157.
  • Current Immunology. 2018, 38(2): 166-169.
  • Current Immunology. 2021, 41(3): 260-264.
  • Current Immunology. 2019, 39(2): 164-168.
  • WANG Xue, LU Li-ming
    Current Immunology. 2024, 44(2): 89-95.
    Interferon regulatory factor 4 (IRF4) is an evolutionarily conserved regulatory molecule that is expressed in varying levels at key stages of differentiation of many immune cells. In terms of its role in the differentiation of innate immune cell lineages, IRF4 is one of the key transcription factors regulating M2-like macrophage polarization and differentiation of both monocyte-derived DC and conventional DC 2 (cDC2). On the other hand, on the differentiation and fate determination of adaptive immune cell subgroups, IRF4 plays a broad role and controls all levels of differentiation of these immune cell subgroups in that IRF4 regulates the differentiation of the naive CD4+ T cells into various subsets (Th1, Th2, Th9, Th17, Treg, and follicular helper T cell [Tfh]). In addition, it also dictates the differentiation of naive CD8+ T cells into effector cells. At the same time, IRF4 also regulates B cell differentiation cycle and plasma cell function, thereby affecting humoral immunity. The recent progress in the study of IRF4's involvement in the regulation of immune cell lineage differentiation and fate determination is summarized in this review.
  • Current Immunology.
  • Current Immunology. 2017, 37(3): 233-237.
  • WU Ting, WU Jiang, JIN Shu-xin, et al
    Current Immunology. 2018, 38(2): 89-94.
    To compare the transfection efficiency of cationic liposome lipofectamine3000 (Lipo3000) in different cell types, miRNA mimics with different concentrations were transfected into NIH3T3, EL4and CD4+T cells respectively by Lipo3000. The differences in transfection efficiency were compared by FACS among different types of cells and among different concentrations of miRNA mimics groups in the same types of cells. The results indicated that the highest transfection efficiency in NIH3T3 would be obtained when transfected with 100 nmol/L miRNA mimics by Lipo3000. For EL4 and CD4+T cells, the efficiency of transfection was improved with the increase of miRNA mimics concentration and could reach up to (12.13 ± 1.16)% and (3.80 ± 0.60%) respectively. It could be concluded that the transfection efficiency of Lipofectamine 3000 for adherent cells and suspension cells was significantly higher than that in primary cells.
  • Current Immunology.
  • Current Immunology. 2020, 40(2): 162-166.
    自噬是真核生物对细胞应激物如错误折叠蛋白、长寿蛋白、受损的细胞器或胞内抗原进行降解的一种代谢途径。自噬与多种疾病相关,如神经退行性疾病、癌症等。现在发现,自噬与自身炎症性疾病(autoinflammatory disease, AUID)也存在较大关联。AUID是一类由遗传异质性因素引起的疾病,偶发性炎症、先天免疫反应失调等均会引起或加剧该类疾病的发生。已有研究表明,自噬通过对先天免疫信号传导途径的调控,可以对炎症水平进行控制。AUID相关的遗传变体可以直接激活炎症信号通路,而这些变体也可能造成自噬功能损伤,从而间接增加炎症反应水平。AUID中的遗传变体可以通过不同的机制对自噬造成损伤,文章就几种AUID中相关变体对自噬影响的反应途径及作用机制进行综述,以期为自噬作为治疗AUID的靶点提供新的策略。
  • Current Immunology. 2017, 37(4): 350-353.
  • Current Immunology. 2018, 38(2): 170-174.
  • LUO Bin, QUE Zu-jun, ZHU Li-hua, et al
    Current Immunology. 2017, 37(1): 25-31.
    The aim of this study is to explore the correlation of clinical stages and the immune status with the level of myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSC) in the peripheral blood in patients with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Blood samples were collected from peripheral vein of 116 patients with NSCLC and 30 healthy volunteers. The ratios of MDSCs and Tregs in PBMC were detected by flow cytometry and the relationships with clinical stages, pathological types as well as the immunity were also researched. The results showed that compared with the healthy group, the rates of G-MDSC and M-MDSC in NSCLC were significant elevated (P<0.05); G-MDSC and pathological types were correlated with clinical stages (n=116, r=0.330, P<0.001; n=116, r=0.441, P<0.001). There was no correlation between the clinical stages and M-MDSC or Tregs (n=116, r=0.053, P=0.558; n=116, r=0.173, P=0.052). The G-MDSC correlated highly with Tregs (n=116, r=0.343, P<0.001), and so with the pathological types (r=0.333, P<0.001). The M-MDSC had no correlation with Tregs (r=0.333, P<0.001) or pathological types (r=-0.143, P=0.109).The level of MDSC in the peripheral blood of NSCLC patients was increased. Furthermore, G-MDSCs were found to have a positive correlation with clinical stages of NSCLC and Tregs. The results indicate that regulating the expression of MDSC may generate a new strategy for preventing occurrence of NSCLC and postoperative recurrence and metastasis [NCT02603003].
  • Current Immunology. 2020, 40(2): 158-161.
    T细胞免疫球蛋白黏蛋白分子3(T cell immunoglobulin and mucin domain containing molecule 3,Tim-3)是T细胞免疫球蛋白黏蛋白家族的重要成员,最初在活化的Th1和CTL上被鉴定出来,并与其配体半乳糖凝集素9(galectin 9,Gal-9)结合后诱导T细胞死亡或衰竭。随着近年来对Tim-3的研究越来越多,发现Tim-3与其他配体,如磷脂酰丝氨酸(phosphatidylserine,PS)、高迁移率族蛋白B-1(high-mobility group box-1 protein, HMGB1)、CEA相关细胞黏附分子1(CEA-related cellular adhesion molecule 1,CEACAM-1)等结合,表现出不同的生物学作用,且Tim-3的表达在多种疾病中有不同程度的变化。研究者尝试以此作为免疫干预的靶点,并取得了一定的成果。文章通过对Tim-3及Tim-3在炎症性疾病、变态反应性疾病以及肿瘤中的研究作一综述,以探讨Tim-3在疾病中的表达变化及作用机制,并对未来相关研究进行展望。
  • CHEN Wei-wei, DENG Wei, ZHANG Zhuo-ya, et al
    Current Immunology. 2018, 38(2): 100-103.
    To investigate the phenotype and function of macrophages in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) patients and normal controls, CD14+ monocytes were isolated from the peripheral blood of SLE patients and healthy controls(HC) matched for age and sex. We cultured human monocytes for 7 days with macrophage colony-stimulating factor (M-CSF) to generate macrophages. The CD163 expression was detected by FACS. CD4+T cells were isolated from peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) of one healthy donor, and then were cocultured with macrophages from SLE or HC in a ratio of 5:1 with anti-CD3/CD28 stimulation for 4 days. The proliferation of T cells was detected by FACS. To determine the phagocytic activity of SLE macrophages, apoptotic cells were added into the cultures for 2 hours. The uptake of apoptotic cells was determined by FACS. Compared with HC macrophages, SLE macrophages exhibited lower expression of CD163. The immunomodulatory function of SLE macrophages was also impaired. SLE macrophages could not effectively suppress the proliferation of CD4+T cells. The phagocytic activity of SLE macrophages was deficient in engulfment of apoptotic cells. These findings suggest that SLE macrophages are deficient both in phenotype and function.
  • Current Immunology. 2018, 38(6): 488-492.
  • Current Immunology. 2016, 36(5): 415-419.
  • Current Immunology. 2020, 40(2): 153-157.
  • Current Immunology. 2018, 38(3): 252-256.
  • YIN Kang-li, ZHAO Bo, ZHANG Da-wei
    Current Immunology. 2022, 42(2): 155-164.
    Pyroptosis is a new research frontier and it plays key roles in inflammatory and immune response. Pyroptosis is involved in the development of a variety of diseases. This review summarizes the up-to-date research progress on the mechanisms of pyroptosis and pyroptosis-related diseases, providing a systematic and comprehensive overview of current knowledge in pyroptosis.
  • LUO Qing-qiong, WANG Yi-ting, WANG Han, et al
    Current Immunology. 2018, 38(6): 456-460.
    We aimed to investigate the expression and role of activin A in patients with primary Sjogren's syndrome (pSS). 60 patients with pSS diagnosed in the Oral Mucosa Department of Shanghai Ninth People's Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine and 30 controls were included. Serum levels of activin A were measured by ELISA. Expression of the activin A βA subunit, activin receptorⅠ(ACVRⅠ) A, ACVRⅡA, ACVRⅠB, ACVRⅡB and its signaling pathway-related molecules Smad2 and Smad3 in the PBMC of the patients and the healthy controls were analysed by real-time quantitative PCR. The expression of activin A in labial gland tissues was analysed by immunohistochemistry. The results indicated that activin A levels in the serum and labial gland tissues of pSS patients were significantly higher than those in the controls (P < 0.05). Expression of activin A βA subunit in PBMC was significantly increased in the pSS patients(P < 0.01), while ACVRⅠA and ACVRⅡA mRNA expressions in PBMC of the pSS patients were significantly decreased(P < 0.05). There were no significant differences in the expression of ACVRⅠB, ACVRⅡB, Smad2 and Smad3 mRNA. Taken together, the abnormal expression of activin A in pSS patients implies that activin A might be involved in the pathogenesis of pSS.
  • Current Immunology. 2018, 38(4): 333-336.
  • OUYANG Ye, QIN Yu-ting, YAO Chao, et al
    Current Immunology. 2020, 40(2): 93-99.
    The assay for transposase-accessible chromatin using sequencing is a new epigenomic technique that detects the profiling of open chromatin landscape. To build a practicable method for human primary immune cells, conditions for cell lysis were tested. 0.1% NP-40 was the most appropriate condition that could lyse cells mildly but thoroughly. Tn5 transposases were used to cut off DNA and load sequencing adapters simultaneously. Following transposition step, library was prepared using PCR amplification. The distribution of insert fragment showed the interval of approximately 200 bp, which was analyzed with Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer. Using bioinformatic tools to ensure the library quality, the total mapping rate was more than 94%, and mitochondrial DNA percentage was less than 38%, the signal of ATAC-seq was enriched at transcriptional start sites and the overlap between technical repetitions was approximately 80%. In conclusion, we made a high quality library evaluated multidimensionally and it is an ideal ATAC-seq method for processing human primary immune cells.
  • Current Immunology. 2021, 41(1): 1-7.
    金属元素在很多生命过程中都发挥重要的作用,是人体中必不可少的成分。许多金属元素在免疫系统中的应用已具有较长的历史。金属免疫学是研究金属离子及其化合物参与免疫细胞发育、免疫应答和免疫调控等过程的学科。金属免疫学这个概念的提出,使人们对金属元素在免疫学中的重要性有了更全面和深入的认识。近年来,许多关于金属元素在免疫系统中的功能的研究成果令人振奋。该文简述了锰、钙、铁和锌等几种常见金属元素在免疫系统中的功能,提出了锰作为危险相关分子模式(danger-associated molecular pattern, DAMP)或警报素的工作模型并阐述其作为天然免疫激动剂的实际应用,最后对金属免疫学的发展进行了展望。
  • HU Ran, PI Rou, HUANG Gong-hua, et al
    Current Immunology. 2019, 39(3): 177-183.
    Fas-FasL signaling pathway plays an important role in regulating the immune response, but its role in allergic inflammation is largely unknown. To study the effect of Fas-FasL signaling pathway on asthma pathogenesis, papain was used to establish the mouse acute asthma model. Infiltration of myeloid cells and T lymphocytes in lung tissues of wild type (WT) and Fas-deficient (Fas KO) mice was detected by flow cytometry. HE staining and PAS staining were used to detect the infiltration of inflammatory cells in lung tissues and the proliferation of goblet cells in asthmatic mice. The results showed that there was comparable distribution of eosinophils, neutrophils and monocytes in the alveolar lavage fluid and lung tissues between WT and Fas KO mice under the steady state. However, upon papain treatment, Fas KO mice had lower cell numbers of eosinophilic granulocytes, neutrophils, monocytes and goblet cells in lung tissues than those of WT mice, whereas the proportion of CD4+CD25+T cells was significantly increased. The above results reveal that the Fas signaling pathway could promote the infiltration of inflammatory cells in lung tissues in papain-induced asthma model. This study provides a new basis for exploring the role of Fas-FasL signaling pathway in the asthma models.
  • Current Immunology. 2018, 38(1): 66-71.
  • Current Immunology. 2019, 39(4): 327-331.
    自体来源肿瘤全细胞疫苗(autologous whole tumor cell vaccine, AWTCV)是现今肿瘤免疫疗法中备受关注的一种靶向疗法,它利用患者自身来源的完整肿瘤细胞制备疫苗。与其他靶向特定抗原的免疫疗法相比,其具有携带相对完整的已知和未知肿瘤抗原、不受MHC限制等优势,因此避免了由于在肿瘤发展过程中某些抗原丢失而造成的肿瘤细胞免疫逃逸。不过,仅仅将肿瘤细胞灭活后制成的疫苗免疫原性极弱,并不能诱导足够的抗肿瘤免疫效应。为解决这一问题,目前研究者们主要采取对肿瘤细胞进行基因修饰,通过与佐剂或单克隆抗体联合使用等方法来达到提升疫苗抗肿瘤效果的目的。文章就AWTCV的制备、应用与发展前景作综述。
  • PAN Zhen, LV Peng, SHAO Shu-li, et al
    Current Immunology. 2018, 38(5): 360-365.
    The bioinformatics was used to analyze the amino acid sequence of functional site of the Ricin B in Vibrio vulnificus VvhA, and the synthetic peptides were used to screen the naive human synthetic phagemid library Tomlinson I+J for specific single chain antibodies, which can lay the foundation for antibody treatment with blocking infection of Vibrio vulnificus. Three rounds of specific panning were performed through naive phage displayed human antibody libraries. One of the specifically identified anti-peptides scFv was named scFv-D2, the coding sequences of which belongs to human nucleotide sequence giving containing a VH fragment and a VL fragment. The clone named scFv-D2 clone was transformed into E.coli HB2151 for induced expression, and the binding activity of soluble scFv fragments with cytotoxic polypeptides was detected by ELISA. Our study showed that the scFv-D2 was isolated implied successfully to be screened from the Tomlinson I +J phagemid library and the soluble fragements had the meaningful affinity to VvhA peptides. Our work may lay the foundation for future studies involving blocking antibody therapy of the humanized antibody off against Vibrio vulnificus infection.
  • Current Immunology. 2019, 39(3): 257-260.
    食物过敏发生率在逐年增加,尤其在儿童人群中。近年对食物过敏的治疗取得了很大的进展,食物过敏的治疗主要包括食物管理、过敏原特异性免疫治疗(allergen-specific immunotherapy, AIT)、辅助及替代治疗等。口腔免疫治疗是食物过敏研究中应用最多的过敏原特异性免疫治疗方法。辅助及替代治疗研究较多的是生物制剂、益生菌等膳食补充剂、中草药治疗、生命早期引入过敏食物等。文章就食物过敏的治疗进展作一综述。
  • LI Dong-xuan, HAN Qiu-ju, ZHANG Jian
    Current Immunology. 2022, 42(1): 82-85.
    TLR2 is a member of the TLR family, which recognizes PAMP as well as damage-associated molecular pattern (DAMP). TLR2 signaling pathway can regulate the phenotype and function of a wide array of immune cells like DC, macrophage, NK cell, T cell, mast cell to enable them to perform more effectively anti-pathogen and anti-tumor functions. Recently, researches about the involvements of TLR2 in the development and treatment of many diseases progress rapidly and become the potential target for many diseases. This review summarized comprehensively multiple roles of TLR2 in immune responses at the cellular, molecular and functional levels.
  • LIN Yu-hong, CHEN Yi-ting, ZHOU Lin-lin, et al
    Current Immunology. 2018, 38(1): 19-24.
    To construct the luciferase reporter gene vectors containing human B7 homology 4 gene promoter sequence, three fragments of B7H4 gene promoter were amplified from genomic DNA of human peripheral blood mononuclear cells by PCR, then the fragments were cloned into pGL3-Basic luciferase reporter vector respectively. After sequencing analysis, the recombinant vectors and reference vector pRL-TK were transiently cotransfected into HEK-293T cells and dual-luciferase reporter gene system was used to test the activity of the promotors. The sequencing results showed the recombined plasmids containing different length B7H4 gene promoters (pGL3-hB7H4-2kb, pGL3-hB7H4-1kb and pGL3-hB7H4-0.5kb) were correctly constructed. The dual-luciferase reporter assay demonstrated that the recombinant vectors had the promoter activities in HEK-293T cells, and pGL3-hB7H4-0.5kb showed the highest transcription activity. In conclusion, the recombinant luciferase reporter vectors containing different length human B7H4 promoters were successfully constructed, providing a tool to investigate the transcriptional elements of human B7H4 promoter and identify the regulatory factors of B7H4 expression in tumor microenvironment.
  • Current Immunology. 2018, 38(4): 350-353.
  • LIU A-hui, GU Dan-jin, ZHANG Kai, et al
    Current Immunology. 2018, 38(3): 223-227.
    To investigate the effect of Xinjiang black propolis on T cells in colon cancer rat model and its mechanism, 55 male Wistar rats were randomly divided into control group, model group, propolis prevention group, propolis treatment group and 5-FU group. Rat colon cancer model was established by N-methyl-N′-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG) enema. The treatment group was given corresponding drugs treatment for 30 days and the prevention group were given propolis by gavage just at the beginning of modeling. The body weight changes of rats were observed weekly, and the histopathological changes of colon cancer were observed by HE staining. The levels of serum cytokines TGF-βand IL-6 were detected by ELISA. The percentage of spleen T cells was detected by flow cytometry. The spleen tissue was examined by RT-PCR for the expression of transcription factors Foxp3 and ROR-γt mRNA. The results showed that compared with the model group, animal body weight of the propolis treatment group and the 5-FU group increased significantly after the treatment (P < 0.05). The number of Treg cells and the expression of the Foxp3 in the model group were significantly higher than those in the control group (P < 0.05). The number of Treg cells and the expression of Foxp3 in propolis prevention group and 5-FU group were significantly lower than those of the model group (P < 0.05). The number of Th17 cells and the level of ROR-γt in the model group were significantly higher than those in the control group (P < 0.05), but were significantly lower in the 5-FU group (P < 0.05). The ratio of Th17/Treg in the model group was significantly lower than that of the control group (P < 0.05), but was significantly higher in the 5-FU group than in the model group. Therefore, our study suggests Xinjiang black propolis may have a role in the prevention and treatment of colon cancer through regulating the function of related T cells and the expression of cytokines.
  • Current Immunology. 2018, 38(4): 337-341.
  • Current Immunology. 2018, 38(1): 80-85.
    白细胞介素36(interleukin 36, IL-36)是IL-1家族新成员,由3个生物学功能相似的成员IL-36α、IL-36β和IL-36γ组成。IL-36成员的共同受体为IL-36R,可与IL-1受体辅助蛋白(IL-36RAcP)相结合形成二聚体。IL-36Ra是IL-36的天然拮抗剂。IL-36可以活化MAPK、NF-κB信号级联途径,影响和调控多种趋化因子、炎症介质和黏附分子的表达和释放,在疾病发生发展中具有重要作用。现就IL-36生物学特征、受体和受体拮抗剂及其与相关疾病的关系进行综述。
  • Current Immunology.
    细胞因子诱导的杀伤细胞(cytokine-induced killer, CIK)是一种由多种细胞因子诱导的以表达CD3+和CD56+细胞为主的异质性细胞群,对多种肿瘤细胞均有明显的细胞毒活性。临床常用的CIK主要来源于人脐血和外周血,其杀瘤机制不同,前者以诱导肿瘤细胞的坏死为主, 后者通过诱导肿瘤细胞的凋亡而发挥作用。它们均通过表达CD56分子促进细胞间的黏附和结合,能释放穿孔素、细胞溶解素等使靶细胞产生渗透性溶解。当效靶细胞比为30∶1时,抑瘤效果较好。
  • Current Immunology. 2020, 40(2): 171-173.
    调节性固有淋巴样细胞(regulatory innate lymphoid cell, ILCreg)是ILC的一个亚群,通过分泌IL-10、TGF-β等细胞因子调控自身免疫病发生、发展,以维持免疫系统内环境稳定、抵抗病原菌和调控炎症。ILCreg在减轻过敏性肠炎、哮喘等自身免疫病中起到重要作用。文章将对ILCreg的发现及作用机制进行综述。
  • HU Zhu-qin,LIU Zhen-shan,KANG Zi-zhen
    Current Immunology. 2018, 38(3): 177-185.
    NG2+ glial cells constitute a major cell population in central nervous system (CNS), however, its role in neuroinflammation remains unclear. We used genetic approaches to specifically and partially deplete NG2+ glia in mouse CNS and subjected them to EAE (an animal model of multiple sclerosis) induction by active immunization or adoptive transfer of MOG35-55-specific Th1/Th17 cells. While NG2+ glia promoted active-EAE and Th1-EAE, it protected mice from Th17-EAE. Our results thus suggest differential roles of NG2+ glia in Th1- and Th17-EAE, and provide potential therapeutic significance by modulating NG2+ glia in Th1- and Th17-EAE and multiple sclerosis.